
Theology of Work Bible Commentary

"The Theology of Work Project is providing desperately needed resources to pastors and the entire church on what the Bible has to say about our work.  I hope that every pastor will preach regularly on how the gospel changes the way we work and sometimes the work that we do.  And I hope that every Christian will see the ways their work connects to God’s work!”

Tim Keller, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City and author of Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work

“This series is a magnificent contribution to one of the most neglected themes in Christian ethics. Avoiding the easy anachronism of finding a few proof texts that might apply to modern work, the authors let the distinctive voices and broader themes of Scripture illuminate our working life. The conversation about faith and work is deeper and richer thanks to the Theology of Work Project.”

- Andy Crouch, Executive Editor, Christianity Today; Author, Culture Making and Playing God

“An elucidating exploration of an issue that is relevant to all believers, this is a wonderful resource for anyone who wants Scripture to inform their life at work. This tremendous commentary has my wholehearted recommendation.”

- D. Michael Lindsay, President, Gordon College; New York Times Bestselling Author of Faith in the Halls of Power

“The Bible encourages us to "follow hard" after the Lord (Psalm 63:8). Now, a new resource helps us daily on that quest, especially in our work. Crafted by experts who love God's Word, the Theology of Work team's robust scholarship, timely insights and wisdom are a gift for the ages.”

- John D. Beckett, Chairman, The Beckett Companies; Author, Loving Monday and Mastering Monday

“As a longtime advocate for a theology of work, I have urged people to see the Bible as a guidebook for our working lives. Reading these marvelous commentaries, however, has given me inspiring new insights into how rich a guidebook God's Word really is!”

- Richard Mouw, Professor of Faith and Public Life, Fuller Theological Seminary; (former) President, Fuller Theological Seminary

“Some suggest that modern industrial society made work a pervasive concern of modern humankind.  But in the creation accounts God is presented as a worker who labor six days and takes a “breather” on the seventh day and is represented as a potter in his making of man and as a temple builder in his making of woman. Moreover, humankind’s first obligation in the Bible after being fruitful is to “work” the Garden of Eden. Indeed, the subject of work pervades the Bible. There are many popular books on the doctrine of work and a few on the theology of work.  But the Theology of Work Bible Commentary is the first to investigate the Biblical text book-by-book in order to glean insights into work from God's perspective. Unfortunately work pervades much of the Christian's life apart from God and rules it. But this book helps Christian workers to relate their labor to God and thereby make their work holy and meaningful.”

- Bruce Waltke, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada 

“This commentary was written exactly for those of us who aim to integrate our faith and work on a daily basis and is an excellent reminder that God hasn't called the world to go to church, but has called the Church to go to the world (and there is no place we do that more than at our place of work!).  Having served for more than 35 years in global leadership roles in both the for-profit and, now, the non-profit sectors, I only wish I had had access to the insights shared in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary many years ago.”

- Bonnie Wurzbacher, Chief Resource Development Officer, World Vision Int'l; (Former) Senior VP, Global Customer Leadership, The Coca-Cola Company

“This commentary is a revolutionary document! It does what no other commentary has done, which is to turn us around and to see what the Bible actually says about work. Human enterprise is the main thing we do with our waking hours. It is about time that we saw that the Word of God gives meaning, purpose, perspective and practical guidelines for daily work. It is hard not to be enthusiastic about something that is just plain wonderful and transformative. This commentary can turn the church inside out as the people of God serve God full-time from Monday to Friday.”

- R. Paul Stevens, Professor Emeritus, Marketplace Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada

“This commentary provides a unique resource for the person who wants to better understand God’s purpose for work and how our work, whatever it may be, can be a ministry for the kingdom of God as we learn to integrate the claims of our faith with the demands of our work.”

- C. William Pollard , Chairman Emeritus, The ServiceMaster Company

“In this unique commentary, the Gospels and Acts are discussed through the lens of work—how WHY we work informs HOW we work, the example of Jesus Christ as a worker, and God's principles applied to the workplace. A great guide for clergy and laity alike; either a surface or detailed examination point out the Bible's relevance for everyday life, including work. This commentary is a gift to the Church.”

- Bob Doll, Chief Equity Strategist, Nuveen Asset Management

“When it comes to biblical preaching and teaching, the church today has an elephant-in-the-room problem. We spend the least amount of time addressing the very thing that people spend their waking hours doing the most: work and career. The result is that people assume, perhaps unconsciously, that the Bible doesn’t address their actual lived experience. But it does, and between these pages you will find the resources to help you connect the dots between faith and work.”

- Gregory Alan Thornbury, Ph.D., President, The King’s College, New York City, New York

“The Bible is full of business lessons and leadership principles that are often missed.  The Theology of Work Bible Commentary provides valuable insights and a provocative, yet practical guide to incorporating those lessons in to our everyday lives, as well as simple tips and tools to follow.  The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is simply incredible!”

- Gloria S. Nelund; Chairman & CEO, TriLinc Global; former CEO, Deutsche Bank North America Private Wealth Management 

“The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is a long-awaited and welcome resource for pastors and serious Christians seeking to make Jesus the Lord of their work lives.  It is the product of a diverse team including “in the trenches” business leaders alongside first rate biblical scholars.  As valuable as the insights and comments of the authors themselves is the constant, implicit challenge to readers to listen carefully for themselves to what God might be saying about work on every page of Scripture.”

- David W. Gill, Ph.D., Mockler-Phillips Professor of Workplace Theology & Business Ethics; Director, Mockler Center for Faith & Ethics in the Workplace

“Recapturing the power of vocation in daily work is completely dependent on understanding how Scripture speaks into our labors. The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is an invaluable resource for pastors who want to connect themselves and their churches to the Lord’s creative callings on our everyday lives.”

- Daniel M. Harrell, PhD., Senior Minister, Colonial Church, Edina, MN

“My calling is to form Christian leaders for their callings, so I am always looking for resources that help followers of Jesus truly hear God's voice the real world.  The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is the right tool for the job.  Bringing together serious biblical scholarship with keen pastoral perspective  and the insights of a wise mentor, this commentary helps us read the scriptures with a Monday-Friday lens.  Work, calling, career, relationships, family, friendships and all that shapes our ability to hear and heed the voice of God in a world where we struggle to slow down even for Sundays. I'll be recommending this commentary to seminarians, pastors and ‘fellow-workers’ all.”

- Tod Bolsinger, PhD., Vice-President for Vocation and Formation and Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary

“The Theology of Work Bible Commentary states its thesis quite succinctly in its intro to the gospel of Matthew, “The workplace consequences of living in God’s kingdom are profound.”  As a layman, I am always on the lookout for Bible research tools that illumine God’s word in a way that offers practical guidance for my life and work.  This commentary fits the bill.  Look no further than the excellent treatment of Matthew 6:19-34 to see an example of guidance on the ways in which our treasure profoundly transforms us.  I highly recommend this resource to my fellow laypersons.”

- Scott Griffin, Founder and Chief Architect, Pro Bono Publico

“I struggled for the first decade of my business career, mostly alone and in the middle of the night, to find meaning in my work and gradually came to see that I was looking at work all wrong. I was trying to derive meaning from my work, instead of bringing meaning to my work. The Theology of Work Bible Commentary skillfully articulates God’s perspective that brings meaning to our work—and His eyes matter most. This book is the helpful guide I never had, and I hope that as you read it your work life will come alive!” 

- Barry Rowan, EVP & Chief Financial Officer, Cool Planet Energy Systems

“Today, there are a lot of questions about work and work's relationship with the gospel —What is the purpose of work? What is the role of a Christian leader, employee, or entrepreneur? How do I work in a job I can't stand? How do I hire and fire with dignity? Am I to use my workplace merely as a platform to share the gospel? What is the proper balance between sharing the gospel through my words and working–as a worker–with the implications of being subject to God's kingdom? Do I use my "on-the-clock" time to talk about my beliefs? The Theology of Work Bible Commentary helps to address these and many other questions.” 

- Travis Vaughn, Perimeter Church, Atlanta, Georgia

“An easily-readable book which will give you much to think about, on every conceivable topic related to the world of work. Even if you end up disagreeing with some of the positions taken or views shared, overall this book will enlighten you on your way to work, and in your day at work.”

 - Prabhu Guptara, Distinguished Professor of Global Business, Management and Public Policy, William Carey University, India; Member of the Board, Institute of Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Chairman, Relational Thinking Network

The Theology of Work Bible Commentary is an exceptional resource for not only Christians in the marketplace, but for everyone who works, period. The design and layout are brilliant! It’s easy to access material by subject and topic. I’m impressed by the contributors and know others will feel inspired and encouraged by their collective wisdom, too.”

- Nancy Matheson Burns, CEO, Dole and Bailey

"The commentary provides unique and helpful theological and practical connections between the Bible and Christians’ working world."

- ​Abram Kielsmeier-Jones, Bible Study Magazine, November 1, 2016

"We recommend this resource to you, and invite you to take a closer look."

- Christian Overman, founder and director, Worldview Matters

Theology of Work Bible Commentary, Volume 1: Genesis - Deuteronomy

"Often when thinking of a Bible commentary, one considers a work that might be used in constructing a sermon or a lesson plan.  One does not often consider a work that you would pick up and read from cover to cover.  While still a commentary, because of its uniqueness in content, tone, and applicable nature, one might want to make an exception for the Theology of Work Bible Commentary.

All five volumes of this work are available online at no cost, making this remarkable work not only available to those who want to purchase a print copy, but to those who are simply intrigued with greater empathy regarding how an understanding of Scripture can impact their day to day work.

Overall, this work provides excellent insight into how Scripture can be applied to modern day work.  The inclusion of the word “commentary” in the title of the Theology of Work Bible Commentary should not deter businessmen or businesswomen from looking into this work to understand how God can be glorified through their day to day working.  Nor should the practical nature of this work discourage the pastor or scholar from looking at this fresh insight to the applicability of God’s word in the modern day."

- Garrett Trott, Corban School of Ministry's 'Dedicated Journal', Feburary 18, 2016

Theology of Work Bible Commentary, Volume 4: Matthew - Acts

"There is little doubt that this volume of The Theology of Work Bible Commentary could be a good resource for Bible studies, small group discussions, Sunday school classes, and similar contexts in which Christian life and vocation are the focus of study."

- Mark Rapinchuck, College of the Ozarks' 'Faithful Lives Journal', Volume 1, 2016

Theology of Work Project Free Small Group Resources

“Some of the internet’s best small group resources on topics around work and calling. If you’re looking for a place to start with your small group, here’s a great place to begin.“

- Denver Institute for Faith and Work

Ethics at Work Study Guide

​"This guide is designed for Christians in the workplace interested in developing a Christian framework of ethical decision-making. One thing I like is the “less is more” approach that seems to me realistic to accomplish in a half hour discussion over a lunch break or before work. While written specifically for use with workplace groups, I also think this could be highly useful in adult education courses in churches and with Christian groups in business schools, particularly for those who have already had work experience."

- Bob Trube, Senior Area Director of the Ohio Valley Team in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship’s Graduate/Faculty Ministries, Bob on Books