Anxiety About Money (Devotional)

Devotional / Produced by TOW Project

Each day of this Bible reading plan offers concrete steps from the Bible that lessen the grip of financial anxiety.

You can find this devotional on the YouVersion Bible App (download the app here), or read the Anxiety about Money devotional on


Jesus tries to lead his disciples away from worrying about money in Matthew 6 when he explains what God is like. God takes care of all the animals and the plants on earth, none of whom work for a paycheck. Jesus says we should trust God to do the same for us. Security doesn’t come from money, it comes from God.

When you believe God is looking out for you, your anxiety about money decreases. One way Christians throughout history have reminded themselves of God’s provision is by saying prayers of thanksgiving before meals. Try this: before you eat, pause and say either silently or aloud, “Thank you God for giving me this food.” As you remind yourself that God is taking care of you now, you will start to believe that he will provide for you in the future.

Read Anxiety about Money on