Devotions for New Managers (Devotional)

Devotional / Produced by TOW Project

Are you new to a management job? Wondering how you can manage people and be faithful at the same time? These 3 biblical tips can help you start your management career on the right foot.

You can find this devotional on the YouVersion Bible App (download the app here), or read Devotions for New Managers on


A big challenge for many new managers is learning how to give feedback. This isn’t easy to do. If you start off too critical, you’ll quickly have a team that doesn’t want to listen to you. But holding your tongue is even worse, as former General Electric CEO Jack Welch explains: “I’ve come to learn that the worst kind of manager is the one who practices false kindness.” 

Jesus rebuked Peter on the spot when Peter made the mistake of arguing against Jesus’ mission. Jesus then told Peter exactly what he was doing wrong, “setting your mind not on divine things but on human things” (Matthew 16:23). When you see someone you manage veer off course, don’t wait to point it out. Timely criticism is more useful than time delayed feedback, because it gives the person the opportunity to correct course immediately rather than make things worse.

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