Tension At Work (Devotional)

Devotional / Produced by partner of TOW

The tensions that arise between people at work can break important relationships, hurt your career, and ruin your ability to share your Christian faith with coworkers. This plan uses Esther's example to teach you a healthy approach to addressing workplace conflict.

You can find this devotional on the YouVersion Bible App (download the app here), or read the Tension at Work devotional on Bible.com


Anger and other negative emotions that arise during times of conflict are often triggered by experiences from our past – some we may not even be aware are still influencing us. In chapter 3 of the book of Esther, Haman and Mordecai reacted not just to each other, but to a long history of hate and violence between their forefathers.

So what should you do when those triggers are pushed? When Mordecai learned about Haman’s edict to annihilate all the Jews, he mourned in ashes and sackcloth before God. (Esther 4:1) The best way to process any negative emotion is to bring it before God. Acknowledge how you feel through prayer, and ask God to work in your heart and reveal truth so you can process through it in a healthy way.

Read Tension at Work on Bible.com

This plan was written by Workmatters in partnership with The Theology of Work Project. Learn more about Workmatters at www.workmatters.org