Discerning God’s Guidance for How You Work

Article / Produced by TOW Project

Can You Do This Job to the Glory of God? (Click Here to Read)

In this post from The High Calling, Ann Kroeker considers Biblical principles that can be applied to our decision to take or turn down a job opportunity.

How you work is at least as important to God as what job or profession you have. In every job, you have at least some opportunity to meet people’s needs, to employ your gifts and skills, and to express — or discover — your deepest desires. Your decision every day to serve God today is more important than positioning yourself for the right job tomorrow.

Will Messenger: Confessions of Fall & Redemption in Work (Video) (Click to Watch)
















In fact, the little you may be able to do in God’s service today is often the key to being able to do more in the future. “Whoever is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much,” said Jesus (Luke 16:10). Over a lifetime, you can serve Christ best by making the most of every job for his purposes, whether you feel called to every job or not. The specifics of how to follow Christ in the workplace are covered in a number of topical articles by the Theology of Work Project, available at www.theologyofwork.org, including Truth and Deception, Ethics at Work, and Evangelism - Sharing the Gospel at Work.


CONTENT NOT YET AVAILABLE: *The Meaning and Value of Work, *Relationships at Work,  *Conflict, *Leadership.