52 Workday Prayers: Psalm 14 - God is Present as You Work

Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW

God is present in the company of the righteous.

Psalm 14:5


God, sometimes when I am working I can sense your presence. I know you are with me and that my work pleases you. These are special times.

But there are other times, Lord, times when I feel very much alone, times when it seems that you are far away. In wonder how I can stay in touch with you when my mind is so absorbed with other things, maybe with work that excites me, or perhaps with the daily tedium of my job.

Today I am reminded that you are present “in the company of the righteous.” You are present with all who have been brought into right relationship with you through Jesus Christ. You are present when we seek to honor you in all we do, including our ordinary work. Whether or not I’m aware of it, you are with me as I work.

Thank you for the reassurance of your presence. Help me, I pray, to be aware of you and attentive to you, to listen for your voice, to speak with you throughout the day as if with a friend. Amen.

Ponder Throughout the Day

God is present with you as you work today.

For Further Reflection

Read all of Psalm 14, paying attention to what the Spirit of God is stirring up in your heart, especially in relationship to your work. Talk with God about what you are thinking and feeling.

If you’d like to go deeper in your experience of God’s presence in your work, let me recommend a devotional guide I wrote called Practicing the Presence of God at Work: A Bible Study on Work Inspired by Brother Lawrence. You can find it on the De Pree website here.

This prayer is part of a collection: 52 Workday Prayers: Learn from the Psalms How to Pray through Your Work. To purchase this devotional and small group guide, visit the De Pree Center store