52 Workday Prayers: Psalm 17 - When Someone is Out to Get You

Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW

Keep me as the apple of your eye;
     hide me in the shadow of your wings
from the wicked who are out to destroy me,
     from my mortal enemies who surround me.

Psalm 17:8-9


The workplace includes a wide variety of relationships. Sometimes those with whom we work become not only valued colleagues but also true friends. At other times, however, we may find that people in our workplace are out to get us. Perhaps they’re consumed by competition for the next promotion. Perhaps they resent our success. Or, perhaps, for some unexplained reason, they simply don’t like us.

The following prayer is based on Psalm 17, a prayer composed by David when many were out to get him. Of these people he writes, “They are like a lion hungry for prey, like a fierce lion crouching in cover” (v. 12). Perhaps you have such lions in your workplace right now. If so, then the following prayer might be just right for you. But, if you’re not confronting workplace “lions” at the moment, you may want to pray the following prayer on behalf of others who are struggling.


In desperation I cry out to you, Lord.
O Lord, hear my cry!
I’m telling you the truth when I say that someone is out to get me,
to malign me, to step on me to get ahead, to discourage and defeat me.
Lord, I need your help right now!

Keep me, O God, as the apple of your eye.
Guard me as you would the pupil of your own eye,
letting nothing harm me.
Protect me from arrows of falsehood and blame.

Hide me in the shadow of your wings,
as a mother hen protects her chicks when there’s danger.
Fend of the attacks of those who would injure me.
Protect my heart from discouragement and depression.

Though I call out for your help, Lord,
and though I’m eager for you to save me from those who would hurt me,
Most of all I yearn to know that you are there for me,
that you are watching me,
that you will never abandon me.
Being face to face with you,
that’s what matters most of all. Amen.

Ponder Throughout the Day

When people oppose you, remember that God is always with you. Always!

For Further Reflection

Read all of Psalm 17, paying attention to what the Spirit of God is stirring up in your heart, especially in relationship to your work. Talk with God about what you are thinking and feeling.

You might also reflect on the following passage from Matthew:

“Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
     and they shall name him Emmanuel,”
     which means, “God is with us.” - Matthew 1:23

This prayer is part of a collection: 52 Workday Prayers: Learn from the Psalms How to Pray through Your Work. To purchase this devotional and small group guide, visit the De Pree Center store