Faith Driven Entrepreneur Bible Reading Plans

Devotional / Produced by partner of TOW

Faith Driven Entrepreneur exists to support entrepreneurs in their God-given calls to create. As part of this mission, the team has put together a series of Bible Reading Plans that speaks to the life of an entrepreneur. What does it mean to be faithful with what God has given you? How do we lead our companies through crisis? The Faith Driven Bible Reading Plans answer these questions and more.

The content in these plans has been sourced from the best minds in theology and business. Hear world-renowned pastors unpack scriptures. Listen as seasoned executives share stories from the trenches. Whether you’re praying to God for wisdom on your first venture or deciding how to best retire from your role, there’s something for you in these Bible reading plans.

Forgiving Yourself and Others as an Entrepreneur

The Bible places forgiveness front and center, but that doesn’t make forgiveness any easier. In this plan, we look at how Jesus forgives us of our sins, and we apply that practice of divine grace to our business lives. In some cases, partners and friends will cause incredible damage to our businesses. This reading plan focuses on moving on and forgiving.

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Show Up Every Day as an Entrepreneur

Abiding in God’s love means showing up every day. If you’re an entrepreneur, that means showing up and building the business God has given you. Get ready for a week of devotionals and scripture passages focused on what it means to be faithful day in and day out.

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Your Faith Is Bigger Than Your Fear

Few things are as scary as going out on your own to be an entrepreneur. You face financial uncertainty and you’re also responsible for taking care of your employees. Competitors might try to outmaneuver you and supply chains may fail.

But we believe in a God who tells us not to fear. Just a Moses was able to stand up to Pharaoh, so can entrepreneurs face the challenges that come with starting a business.

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The Lone Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are some of the loneliest people on the planet, and statistics show they are at risk for mental health struggles. In this Bible reading plan, other entrepreneurs share their thoughts on community. A few contributors share their regrets about not finding mentorship and support while other contributors express heartfelt joy at finally finding a community that understands their hopes and struggles.

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Leading Your Company Through Crisis

The Bible is full of stories where leaders had to make tough decisions during crisis. What can entrepreneurs learn from these examples, and how can they apply Biblical wisdom to their own businesses? Learn all about leading your company through crisis with this Bible reading plan.

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The Entrepreneurial Parent

At times, a business can feel like a child. Being an entrepreneur takes time and energy, but, of course, we can’t give all of our time to the business when we have real children at home. Learn how other parents have navigated entrepreneurship and parenthood. Get encouraged by their stories!

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Redeeming the Entrepreneur Ego

Successful business owners love to say, “I did that,” when they talk about their enterprises. Human beings naturally want to take credit for soaring profit margins and award-winning products. But the Bible challenges our egos by promoting humility instead. Over the next few days, read a series of devotionals on redeeming the entrepreneur ego.

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Your Company’s Other Bottom Line

As an entrepreneur, you answer to many people. Investors, stakeholders, and employees all have something to say about how you run your business. In many cases, you’re pressured to prioritize profit and revenue. That is what the bottom line is all about, right? But God calls us to consider another bottom line, an eternal bottom line.

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God is My CEO

Many Christians are used to the idea of God as king. But there aren’t many kings around in the 21st century, which means this metaphor can seem a bit irrelevant. What would it look like to see God as your CEO, especially when it relates to your company? You might decide to run your business differently if that were the case. Learn what the Bible says about letting God guide your business.

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God Owns My Business

This Bible reading plan explores the idea of stewardship in relation to business. While our names might be listed on company documents, it’s God who truly owns everything. We simply participate in stewarding all His good creation. And in a way, this can be extraordinarily freeing for an entrepreneur.

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Mental Health and Entrepreneurs

Research has shown that entrepreneurs are 2-10x more likely to struggle with mental health challenges. Thankfully, God’s Word can teach us about finding peace and relying on others to compensate for our blind spots. Whether you’re going through an isolated season of depression or have been diagnosed with a long-term mental health condition, we hope that this Bible Reading Plan.

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The Perseverance of an Entrepreneur

A season of failure is almost necessary for a great entrepreneur story. Nobody becomes successful overnight. The public simply doesn’t see the long hours and struggle spent working toward that breakthrough moment. Thankfully, the Bible shows us what it means to persevere. Be encouraged by this Bible reading plan on The Perseverance of an Entrepreneur.

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Is God Calling Me to Start a Business?

Dive into a series of devotionals aimed at discerning God’s voice. You’ll come away with practical wisdom about making good choices and pursuing entrepreneurship. Rarely do we hear an audible voice calling us to create. Rather, we must weight the prompting of the Holy Spirit, the input from mentors, and the opportunities of the market.

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Sharing Your Faith at Work

Everyday is an opportunity to share God’s love with other people. But what does that look like in practice? In this Bible reading plan, the Faith Driven team looks beyond gospel tracts and Sunday school to see how every entrepreneur can demonstrate the gospel to partners, employees, and vendors.

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Values of an Entrepreneur

A collection of pastors and entrepreneurs has unpacked God’s Word and found four values that fit the Faith Driven Entrepreneur: faith, family, work, and fitness. Values guide life’s big decisions. It’s why nonprofits and corporations alike will post their values on public websites and company documents. Without values, we become easily distracted.

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Six Stages of a Startup

Every journey is easier with a roadmap. The Faith Driven Entrepreneur team has put together an easy-to-remember guide for the six stages of a startup. If you find yourself embarking on a new entrepreneurial journey, then this is the Bible reading plan for you.

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