Faith: How Open Can You Be? (Case Study)

Case / Produced by partner of TOW

Findlay debated with himself for some time, and then made a conscious decision to leave a Bible on his desk at work. Since becoming a believer he wanted to let others know about his newfound faith, and had concluded this small step could open some doors.

It didn’t take long for Findlay to get a response. Into his office walked the Manager of Human Relations: “My friend, what is that? Have you become one of those?” A chill went down Findlay’s spine. He knew his next words were important, so he lifted a quick prayer for what to say.

“Ahh, I’m glad you noticed. I actually brought it in yesterday. Some things have happened in my life, and this book is part of the story.”

“Well, with all due respect,” replied the manager, “the story will have to wait for another day. But just a reminder, your first responsibility is to this company. For me, religion is a private matter, and belongs at home and for Sundays.”


  • When is it appropriate to be transparent with others about your faith? When is it not appropriate? Should we be proactive, or let others take the initiative?
  • Why are people in the workplace expected to leave their faith at the door, rather than integrate beliefs into everyday decisions and relationships?


  • You are the salt of the earth…the light of the world. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:13, 14, 16).
  • Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven (Matthew 10:32).


Just as businesses are wise to be family-friendly, they are wise to be faith-friendly. People should be expected to give their best to their employers, but should not be expected to separate their faith from their work. In fact the best employees will be those who follow Colossians 3:23: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”

This case is an illustration of Jesus' teaching on being salt and light in the world, Matthew 5:13-16. Click here to go (or return) to the passage. 

By John Beckett. Copyright 2014.