Litany for The Affirmation Of Ministry In Daily Life (Prayer)

Devotional / Produced by partner of TOW

This litany was developed by participants at the close of the "Rousing the Sleeping Giant" Conference led by Anne Rowthorn on April 24-25, 1993, in the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. You may wish to use some or all of it or use it as a model to write your own.

With all our hearts and all our minds, let us pray for all who serve Christ through the daily activities of their lives saying "Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God, which we do for the common good."

As a husband, Dad, physician, farmer, layperson, jail minister, and follower of Jesus Christ, Help me to know you are always present in and around me as I am present to those you have called me to minister in the name of Jesus.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Lord, we are only mortal and we realize our weakness. Give us, we pray, the strength to do you will in our lives and in the world. Help us also to keep before us always that the things of this life will soon pass away and that only the things that are eternal matter.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For all educators who are instrumental in molding the lives of our future. Help our young charges see the love of Jesus in us.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Lord, help us to look for your wisdom and goodness, in others and ourselves, and seeing your love help us share it with all we come in contact with.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

That I see, that we each see, Christ in each and every person we see on each and every day.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Walk with me, Lord. Help me to seek only to know your will for me and to have the strength to carry it out, that in perfect freedom I may live my faith daily and be unto others Christ's presence in their lives.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Lord, protect all children. Hold them in your hand until they are strong enough to stand alone on your firm foundation!

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Help us all to raise up your image in those who have no sense of self-value, that they may in turn, offer life to a world dying for a glimpse of you.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For the wisdom, strength, vision, guidance, courage, and perseverance to carry our zeal for the ministry of the Baptized back to our parishes and start a spark of authenticity that can set the world on fire for Jesus.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

I want to pray for the turmoil going on in the world today, realizing it is still God's world and he is in charge. I want to pray that I will make a difference each day in God's world and I ask for your guidance, Lord, in doing this.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For those who beg, asking those who have to help those who have not and cannot ask for themselves, grant wisdom and courage in the asking that all might feel your love.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For those in their old age-whose bodies have become crippled or disabled, or brains no longer function-that God's love, and our hearts, always hold them dear.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For those elderly widowed mothers who are still there when we need them to do the laundry, make a call, have some food prepared.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, make yourself known to me. Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, speak through me to others.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For the mentally and physically impaired and the people who work with them.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

So to see and do your will each day.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Lord, I am linked to the construction field. Help me to open my heart and ears to those around me who are crying out for a release to their frustrations of life and just need to unload from time to time.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For all who teach-that they may open the hearts and minds of their students to see God's gracious hand in all of creation and feel God's love for every human being on earth.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Watch over all parents as they struggle with their daily responsibilities. Help them to understand which of their many chores are most worthwhile and empower them through the constant awareness of your love.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Father God, help us to slow down, to simply be who you have created us to be that we might allow you to flow through us and from us, touching each person we encounter in our daily life.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

Some of us wear many hats-more hats than we have time to wear well. Help us to prioritize or else to serve you more efficiently in such time a we have. Help us to be faithful stewards of time and talent.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For our local churches, that they may see the church as more than a building.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For all state legislators and administrators to make sound judgments and laws for the betterment of all peoples in their states. That each legislator recognize his responsibility for honesty and integrity to each person in his state.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For those who maintain the facilities and provide hospitality at our places of retreat and renewal.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

That the people of God might have the faithfulness and courage to confront the systemic evil in the economic, political, social and religious institutions of our communities, nation, and the world.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

For mothers and fathers that they may serve you, the God of love, in all tenderness, nurture, and recognition of the love of each child made in your image.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.

As I listen to people's pain and confusion, help me to be a steady beacon that at least one person will not abuse them. Then help them to see the fine child they were going to be before the tragedy started happening. And help me to wait to discover that person at their speed.

Prosper the work of our hands, 0 God

Which we do for the common good.


Almighty God, you have so linked our lives with one another that all we do affects, for good or ill, all other lives. So guide us in the work we do, that we may do it not for self alone, but for the common good, and as we seek a proper return for our own labor, make us mindful of the rightful aspirations of other workers, and arouse our concern for those who are out of work through Jesus Christ our Savior, who worked as a carpenter at Nazareth. Amen.