Unemployment Tag Guide

Article / Produced by TOW Project

This is a guide to the most significant Theology of Work Project resources with the Tag of “unemployment” plus instructions on how to access all resources with that Tag.

The Purpose of this Guide

This guide has two purposes:

  1. To give you an overall sense of the unemployment from a biblical and spiritual perspective.
  2. To help you figure out which of the resources available about this subject on the TOW Project website may be most useful to you.

An overall guide to resources on the TOW site with the Tag, “unemployment”

God created us to work, but in a fallen world even the opportunity for paid work may be nonexistent. God cares for the poor and he cares for the unemployed as can be seen in the Levitical laws on gleaning, which are beautifully illustrated in the Book of Ruth. Christian charity therefore need not be limited to giving but can also include job creation through investing, for example. For the unemployed, there is always hope that God will provide access to the means of provision and wealth.    

Links to resources available about unemployment on the TOW Project website

Gleaning (Leviticus 19:9-10)

In an agricultural economy, the poor and resident foreigners are particularly vulnerable because they don’t own land. God’s Law provided for these people in Israel through the gleaning laws, a set of directives for landowners not to completely harvest their fields. The Biblical mandate was not charity. It was an opportunity for the poor to provide for themselves using the means of provision that God had created, thus preserving their dignity. Our challenge is to think creatively about how we can provide the poor with opportunities to work.

God Leads Individuals to Provide Economic Opportunities for the Poor and Vulnerable (Ruth 2:17-23)

The gleaning laws come alive in the exciting love story of Ruth and Boaz in the Old Testament. Boaz went over and above the requirements to catch the real spirit of the gleaning laws. How can we emulate Boaz in providing economic opportunities of work for the poor?

God Bestows His Blessing of Productivity Through Human Labor (Ruth 2:5-7)

God established the gleaning laws in Israel, Boaz followed them generously, and Ruth worked extremely hard. There are many circumstances far beyond our control but we can be faithful in whatever work God has placed us in--even if that is volunteer work or further education and training. Ultimately, it is God who empowers us to work hard and we can trust that he will make our work fruitful.

Aiding the Poor Through Investing

Employment opportunities can be created through investing: microfinance, savings-led co-operatives, and social enterprise.

Practical ways you can help those dealing with unemployment or the loss of income

In this difficult economy, a lot of people are out of work or suffering from a loss of income. We see it on the news, in our communities, in our churches, and even in our own homes. Listen as Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews speak with Chuck Fritsma about how you can help someone through a season of unemployment.

Discover practical tools for launching a successful job search

Looking for a job is never easy, but when the economy is tanking and new jobs are scarce, it can feel downright discouraging. Listen in as Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews talk with Chuck Fritsma about applying for a new job once you are unemployed.

Discover practical tools on how to get through a season of unemployment

So much of our life is spent at work. And when we lose a job, it can deliver a crushing blow. Join Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews as they talk with Chuck Fritsma about how to get through a season of unemployment.

How to access additional resources on unemployment on the TOW website

In addition to the resources described above, you can access all the resources with the Tag “Unemployment” by going to the TOW advanced search page and selecting this Tag in the “Tags” drop-down menu, which is organized alphabetically.

The very most significant resources on the Tag should show up in the first one or two rows. They may be a good place to start. The rest of this guide will help you make sense of the overall Tag and figure out which resources may be most useful to you.