Course Modules to Bring Work into the Regular Seminary Curriculum

Course Module in Ethics - Can The Bible Speak to The Marketplace?
Seminary Curriculum

Too many Christians understand “ethics” as something that only applies in certain areas of life. 

Course Module in NT - Leadership in the Epistles
Seminary Curriculum

Teach seminary students to rethink epistles for the modern worker.

Course Module in OT - Economics and Contemporary Workplace Issues in Ruth
Seminary Curriculum

Integrate workplace issues into the study of the Old Testament by diving into the book of Ruth.

Course Module in OT - Work in Song of Songs
Seminary Curriculum

Given the right hermeneutics, Song of Songs is a book about work and starting a business. 

Course Module in OT and NT – Women at Work
Seminary Curriculum

Stories from, about and for women at work have not often been told as prominently as those of men in Christian contexts...

Course Module in Preaching - Is Work Meaningful or Futile?
Seminary Curriculum

With the right focus, sermons on Ecclesiastes 2 can help Christians make sense of their working lives.

Course Module in Theology - Work and Eschatology: The End of Work, or Work in the End?
Seminary Curriculum

Help students think about the meaning and purpose of work from an eschatological perspective.

Course Modules in NT - More Ideas for Assignments on Work
Seminary Curriculum

New Testament assignments to bring work into the seminary curriculum.

Course Modules in OT - More Ideas for Assignments on Work
Seminary Curriculum

Old Testament assignments to bring work into the seminary curriculum.

Course Modules in Preaching - More Ideas for Assignments on Work
Seminary Curriculum

Assignments in preaching to help seminary students understand work.

Course Modules in Theology - More Ideas for Assignments on Work
Seminary Curriculum

Seminary assignments in theology that address workplace issues.

Sample Assignments across the Seminary Curriculum, Part 1
Seminary Curriculum

Integrate the Economics Wisdom Project into assignments in Bible, Preaching, Theology, and Worship.

Sample Assignments across the Seminary Curriculum, Part 2
Seminary Curriculum

New work-themed assignments in Spiritual Formation, Church History, Preaching, Ecclesiology, and Worship.

Sample Assignments across the Seminary Curriculum, Part 3
Seminary Curriculum

Assignments on work and vocation for courses like Preaching, Theology, Missions, Liturgy, and Bible.

Sample Assignments across the Seminary Curriculum, Part 4
Seminary Curriculum

Greek words related to work and economics. Plus assignments on Preaching, Theology, Counseling, and Christian Education.