Work as Worship (Video)

Video / External content not produced by TOW Project

Justin Forman and Brian Mosley make up the RightNow ministry, which promotes those who are willing to trade in the pursuit of the American Dream for a world that needs a Savior.

These people use their professional and business skills to change cultures and lives around the world, and RightNow shines the light on these unique missionaries. The two posted a moving video called Work as Worship.

The video reminds us that we spend half our lives involved with work. Yet, we often dismiss work in God's economy, focusing on more "holy" or "spiritual" matters, neglecting the divine intersection of our jobs and worship.  On the days when I don't feel like my work means anything, I easily flip the switch and just go through the motions. But it's not that simple. As the video reminds me, how I work is a reflection of the God to whom I gave my heart, my allegiance, and my talents.

"We don't think about the purpose and meaning we bring to our work. We simply focus on how it makes us feel."