The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader

When was your last transformative moment? Jason Young—author, consultant and Guest Services Director at North Point Ministries—describes one such "kairos" moment. After a lengthy job interview process, a man who had led him through several assessments pronouced that Jason did not have "great self-awareness." 

He writes, "For so long, I had banked on education, experience, charisma and knowledge to achieve success. . . I began to research everything I could on the topic of self-awareness, and I discovered it rests inside a larger subject—emotional intelligence."

Young describes emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize and manage our emotions, as well as the capacity to recognize the emotional state of others (and interact appropriately with them).

Jesus was a terrific example of this. He wasn't bullied by those who sought to antagonize him; but he also wasn't afraid to confront people when it was necessary. He acted out of compassion and obedience to God's will, instead of being carried along by emotional currents and cultural philosophies. We, too, can draw close to God for help in controlling our often-unruly emotions, and in navigating our sometimes-hostile environments.

Young also recommends boosting emotional intelligence by creating a "personal board" of leaders who can answer questions, guide decisions, and jumpstart creativity. He gives helpful advice on who to choose for such a group here.

Post by Dena Dyer. Image by Christian Jones. Used by permission.