The Incarnation and the Workplace

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
The Incarnation and the Workplace

Bob Robinson, who blogs at the (re)integrate, has a great reflection on the Incarnation and what it means for us in the workplace.

“The fact that Jesus became a human and worked as a carpenter helps us reintegrate faith and work,” he writes. “Before Jesus began traveling around proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God, before he suffered and died for our sins, before he was raised from the dead for our justification and victory over death, he spent the majority of his life building things with his hands.”

Bob reminds us, “the same man who performed miracles, built cabinets.”

That’s an important point. The incarnate Christ – God in human flesh – came to redeem the workplace. This same environment where we jockey for position, where egos are on display, where every imaginable sin is pronounced, has a chance to change. And that should impact the way I look at my workplace.

Read all of Bob’s article at (re)integrate.



Post by Newsletter Editor David Rupert. Image credits to be found in the accompanying gallery.