Sketch, Plan, Dream, Build, Play, Work

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Sketch, Plan, Dream, Build, Play, Work
Watch this short film of a man who found joy and magic in his work. As a kid, I loved loved loved legos. I confess that I still love them. A typical Saturday at our house will be cartoons on the Disney channel with legos spread across the living room. Pure joy. I don't build much with legos during my work day at Laity Renewal and High Calling, though. Mostly, I build with sentences now. This year, I've been given the opportunity to try my hand at building a team as well. Pure joy. Before I build, I sketch and plan and dream. I find my own little factory and go there in my mind, sometimes taking people with me like Dan Roloff, Gordon Atkinson, Chris Cree, L. L. Barkat, Bradley Moore, Sam Van Eman, Laura Boggess, Ann Kroeker, and Dan King. But enough about me. Make this your own. What is on YOUR sketch pad? What is in YOUR secret factory? Who helps YOU plan and build? And most important of all what are you building in your daily work--relationships? students and citizens? healthier patients? community? products? services? Are you building things that help you--or others--to soar? What are you building?