Abram’s Faith

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Abram’s Faith

"And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith."

Genesis 15:6

In Genesis 15, once again the Lord speaks to Abram, promising a great reward. But Abram objects that he has no natural heir, and therefore will miss the essence of greatness according to his cultural values. The Lord responds by promising that Abram will have a son, and that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars. Though Abram and his wife are quite old, he nevertheless believes the Lord, and the Lord counts him as righteous because of his faith.

In this striking passage, Abram exemplifies a faithful response to God, the kind of response we make when we hear the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ and put our trust in God. Faith is not simply believing that something is true; it is putting our trust in that truth, or, rather in the One who is the truth.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Do you trust God when it comes to your work? Your family? Your future? Your finances? Where do you find it hard to trust God? Is God calling you to trust him in new ways today?

PRAYER:  Thank you, gracious God, that I am counted righteous in your sight, not because of anything I have done, but because I have put my trust in you as my savior. Thank you for receiving me much as you once received Abram.

Also, thank you, dear Lord, for the example of Abram. In his faithful response to you, I am instructed and encouraged. When you make big promises to me, Lord, help me to believe them. When you ask me to do that which I find scary, help me to trust you. May I live each day, starting today, by faith in you. Amen.