All Authority

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
All Authority

Jesus came and told his disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.”

Matthew 28:18

All authority! The Heavenly Father gave Jesus all authority in the universe. This does not mean, however, that everything in creation has been renewed. Full restoration has yet to come. But Jesus is Lord over all things now, even though all things and all people do not recognize his sovereignty.

When we put our faith in Jesus, we acknowledge his authority over our lives. We put ourselves under this authority, submitting our will to his. We do this with the confidence that he wants the very best for us. Thus we live joyfully and freely with Jesus as our Lord and Master.

But Jesus is not merely your Lord and my Lord. He is Lord of Heaven and earth. He has ultimate authority: over nations, over corporations, over armies, over cities, over families, over friendships. In time, every aspect of creation will be brought under the lordship of Christ. In the meanwhile, we live so as to demonstrate and extend his rule on earth. We do so, not by coercion or dominations, but by living lives of obedience and love.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What does it mean that Jesus is Lord of your life? Do you live under his authority? How? Where do you struggle to submit to the authority of Jesus?

PRAYER: All praise be to you, Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth.

All praise be to you, Lamb of God, for you chose the path of humiliation and suffering, and for this reason were exalted to the highest place alongside the Father.

All praise be to you, Lord of lords, for you are my gracious and merciful Lord, the one who always wants what is best for me.

All praise be to you, King of kings, for you are manifesting your kingdom in this world, even through people like me. As we wait for the fullness of your kingdom that is yet to come, may we live each day in submission to you. And may your kingdom be seen in and through us. Amen.