Am I Like Eucalyptus Wood?

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Am I Like Eucalyptus Wood?

Therefore, the LORD God proclaims: Of all the trees in the forest, I have decreed that the vine’s wood is destined to be consumed by fire. So also have I decreed for those who live in Jerusalem.

Ezekiel 15:

During the latter part of the nineteenth century, California was booming. The gold rush had brought several hundred thousand new residents to the state, who brought with them a massive need for homes and businesses. But much of California lacked trees for construction. So, some visionaries introduced the Eucalyptus tree, an immigrant from Australia. Great hopes were placed on these fast-growing trees to supply lumber for building and railroad ties. But, it turned out that Eucalyptus wood was useless for these purposes, because it warped when drying and was way too hard for ordinary construction. Eucalyptus trees turned out to be useful mainly for wind breaks throughout California's vast agricultural regions.

When I moved to Irvine, California, in 1991, windbreaks composed of Eucalyptus trees stretched throughout the city, which had once been nothing more than orange groves. Yet, as suburban sprawl increasingly dominated the region, developers cut down vast stands of Eucalyptus trees. The wood could not be used for construction, of course. But, it turned out that wood from these trees made excellent fires. In fact, I burned several cords of Eucalyptus firewood in my fireplace during my years in Irvine. Its fires were hot, enduring, and subtly pungent.

In Ezekiel 15, the prophet delivers God's judgment on the residents of Jerusalem. They are not unlike the wood from Eucalyptus trees, although God chooses an analogy from ancient Israel, not California. The Jerusalemites are like the wood from vines. Such wood is too flexible to be used for anything but firewood. Thus, God designed this kind of wood to be "consumed by fire." This is like what he decreed "for those who live in Jerusalem" (15:6).

As I reflect upon Ezekiel 15, I am struck once more by the grace of God that delivers me from fiery judgment. Moreover, I find myself yearning to be useful wood in the building of God's kingdom. I don't want to be so twisted by the culture that I am of no use, like Eucalyptus wood. And I don't want to be so weak and flexible, like sticks from a vine. Rather, by God's grace, I want to be true and strong, so that he might use me well for his purposes and glory.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What kind of wood are you for the Lord's construction project? In what ways are you useful for his purposes? What keeps you from being the kind of wood God can easily use?

PRAYER: Gracious God, my purpose in life is to glorify you, to worship you in all I do, to contribute to your kingdom work on this earth. Help me, I pray, to be fully useful to you. Help me to be like wood that is valuable for building. Prune away from me anything that compromises my value to you.

This very day, no matter whether I'm at work or home, may I be used in the building of your kingdom. Amen.