Are You a Living Demonstration of God’s Truth?

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Are You a Living Demonstration of God’s Truth?

Ezekiel is your sign. You will do everything that he has done. When this happens, you will know that I am the LORD God.

Ezekiel 24:24

Ezekiel had a tough job. Not only was he called by God to deliver the bad news of God’s judgment, including the destruction of Jerusalem, but also he often had to demonstrate his message through his own life (see, for example, chapter 4).

Surely, his most difficult assignment came in chapter 24, when God’s judgment was soon to fall on the people but God did not want them to grieve publicly even when the temple was destroyed. Ezekiel would model this kind of “stiff-upper-lip” behavior in a heartbreaking situation. The Lord told him in advance that his wife would die, but Ezekiel was not to “mourn or weep” before the people (24:16). Remember, Hebrew culture made plenty of room for sadness, including ritual practices that accentuated grieving. But the Lord forbade Ezekiel from participating in these.

When his wife died, Ezekiel did exactly as God had instructed him. He did not grieve, which caused the people to be confused and curious (24:19). Ezekiel explained that his behavior was a model for them when God’s painful judgment falls. “Ezekiel is your sign,” he said, “You will do everything that he has done” (24:24).

Honestly, I don’t think I could have followed through on God’s command as Ezekiel did, though perhaps he had divine help to keep from grieving. I don’t want to be a sign in the mode of Ezekiel, that’s for sure. But, in fact, you and I are called to be signs of God’s truth, like Ezekiel. Unlike Ezekiel, our lives testify to the great news of God’s love and salvation through Jesus Christ. If we live freely as forgiven people committed to serve the Lord, if we exemplify the Gospel in all relationships, then we are indeed a sign for others. We become living proof of God’s love and grace. What an extraordinary opportunity and high calling!

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Do you ever think of yourself as a sign of the Gospel? What might you do in your life to reflect the good news of God’s love in Christ? What might you do at work? in your neighborhood? in your family? among your friends?

PRAYER: Gracious God, I must admit that I cringe when I consider the assignment you gave to Ezekiel. It seems terrible, difficult, virtually impossible. Yet the prophet understood that he was not just your spokesperson, but also a living sign of your word. How I thank you for his faithfulness!

And how I thank you for the privilege of being a sign for you, yet of very different news. You have called me, as you have called all of your people, to be a sign of your love and grace. I am to demonstrate the Gospel in my daily life, so that people might be drawn to you. This is also a difficult job, Lord, something I could not accomplish without your help. So I thank you also for the presence and power of your Spirit, who helps me to live as a sign of the Gospel. May this happen more and more, Lord, as I grow in you and offer my whole self to you each day. Amen.