Being Like God

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Being Like God

“I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.”

Isaiah 14:14

Are we supposed to be like God? This question can’t be answered with a simple yes or no, because the answer is yes and no—yes, in some ways, no, in other ways. In Isaiah 14, the Lord rebukes the king of Babylon for his pride and ambition. He had said that he would “climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.” It’s the classic human sin . . . wanting to be like God (see Genesis 3, for example). But there are other passages of Scripture that call us to be like God. Ephesians 5:1 reads, for example: “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.”

Scripture isn’t confused here. Rather, we’re to be like God in some ways, but not in others. We’re to imitate God’s love and forgiveness (Eph. 4:32-5:2). But we’re not to match his sovereignty or glory. If we seek to run our own lives, rather than submitting to God’s will, we’re taking his rightful place. If we live for our glory, rather than for God’s glory, we’re being like God in the wrong way.

God created us in his image so that we might be like him in many ways. Yet we find we rightfully imitate God only as we submit to his sovereignty and seek his glory above all.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Do you seek to be like God in good ways? In bad ways? Is your imitation of God a mixed reality? Today, how might you be like God in ways that honor him?

PRAYER: Gracious God, you have made human beings in your image. In many ways we are like you. Thanks for this amazing honor. And thanks too for calling us to imitate you in love and forgiveness, even in creativity and generosity.

But you know how tempting it is for us to be like you in ways reserved for you alone. We try to run our own lives, or even the lives of others. We seek glory and honor. We want to control all things, guaranteeing our safety and success. We can be like the king of Babylon, even if our boasting is not quite as audacious. So forgive us, Lord, for trying to be like you in ways we should not.

By your Spirit, teach us to be like you in grace, mercy, and love. May we think your thoughts after you and have our hearts moved by that which moves your heart. But let us leave sovereignty and glory to you, dear Lord. Amen.