Being Ready for the Son of Man

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Being Ready for the Son of Man

“You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.”

Matthew 24:42

In Matthew 24, Jesus spoke of the future, including his own coming as the victorious Son of Man, one who would fully usher in the kingdom of God (see Dan. 7:13-14). Yet, curiously enough, he admitted that he did not know the precise time of his return (24:36). Nevertheless, he instructed his followers to live in readiness for his return.

How do we do this? What does it mean to be ready for the return of Christ? Some Christians focus their energies upon trying to figure out the precise timetable for his return. This exercise, however popular it may be in some quarters, is not what Jesus intended by calling us to readiness. Rather, as verses 45-51 make clear, we are to be ready for the return of Jesus by doing the work of his kingdom: caring for the needy, shepherding his followers, healing the sick, proclaiming the good news, and making disciples from all nations. Wherever we are, we can live for Christ and his mission. Readiness means faithful discipleship today and every day until Christ returns.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What difference does the pending return of Christ make in your life? Are you living in such a way that if Christ returned today, you would feel satisfied about your investment in the work of his kingdom?

PRAYER: Gracious Lord, there are some days when I do live for your kingdom, days when I wouldn’t mind being surprised by your return. But then there are other days, days when I’m wrapped up in trivia, days when I’m living for myself, days when I have invited sin into my house. How embarrassed and disappointed I would be if you were to return on one of these days!

In light of your future coming, may I live today for you, fully and freely. May I live for you at work, loving my colleagues, bearing witness to you through all that I do. May I live for you in the community, offering a word of friendship to my neighbors, helping those who are needy. May I live for you at home, sharing your love and truth with my family. May I give you each moment of this day, so that I will be ready for your return. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Amen.