The Benefits of Extending Grace toward Employees

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The Benefits of Extending Grace toward Employees

For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

John 1:16-17

“So, what’s your favorite snack?” my new employer asked me on my first day in my new job. No employer has ever asked me a question like that. And that was just the beginning.

In the scheme of things, the steps my new employer took to make us feel appreciated were small.

Each year on the day before my birthday, my employer made sure I wasn’t the last to leave the office so that others on our team could decorate my desk. In the morning on the day of my birthday, I’d arrive to a desk decked out in streamers and balloons, along with a greeting card signed by the entire team and a small gift from my manager. This happened every year for every member of our small marketing team.

When our family had to put our beloved Springer Spaniel to sleep, my manager circulated through our department, giving everyone the chance to sign a card expressing their condolences at our family’s loss.

When our team successfully completed a major project, we were each greeted the next morning with our favorite snack, steaming coffee, and words of heartfelt and sincere appreciation from our manager. And once each year, our manager made sure our team got away from the office for a time of team building and restoration. These field trips included visits to local museums, amusement parks, and restaurants in town.

These small gestures from our manager reaped great returns with regard to our team’s loyalty to our company, commitment to our work, and appreciation and support of one another. While a paycheck was great, raises were generous, and the benefits were rich, it was these small acts of kindness that truly made me feel appreciated and respected as a member of the team. These were the “above and beyond” gestures that often inspired me to work harder and to exceed even the expectations I had placed on myself.

When an employer goes above and beyond, it can feel like “grace upon grace” to an employee. That multiplied grace can then continue to manifest itself in better results, greater confidence, and higher levels of loyalty from the employee. Small things can go a long way toward making a big difference in the morale of your team. When appropriate, reaching beyond the most basic requirements of your responsibilities as an employer can have a lasting impact that models Christ’s example to those in your employ.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What small grace might you extend to those employees who report to you? Have you ever had an employer extend “grace upon grace” to you? How did that change your commitment to your job?

PRAYER: Jesus, you have always helped us to see beyond the letter of the law. You show us the Spirit behind the law, and you point us to truth. Help me, as an employer, not to be limited by the contracts I’ve signed with my employees. Help me to extend “grace upon grace” toward them, in appropriate ways, as an extension of your multiplied grace in my life. Amen.