Beware of That Which Clouds the Mind

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Beware of That Which Clouds the Mind

So that night they got him drunk with wine, and the older daughter went in and had intercourse with her father. He was unaware of her lying down or getting up again.

Genesis 19:33

Out of desperation, Lot's daughters got their father drunk in order to trick him into impregnating them. Under the influence of too much alcohol, Lot did that which, by implication, he would not have done while sober.

During my years as a parish pastor, I often witnessed the sad results of alcohol and drug abuse. Kind parents became harsh with their children when they had too much wine with dinner. Bright teenagers started failing their classes because of their dependence on marijuana. Sometimes people became addicted to mood-altering prescription drugs.

I am not one who believes that Christians should never drink alcohol, though I respect those who, in Christian freedom, choose not to do so. But even if it's not wrong for someone to drink, we must be aware of how alcohol and similar substances can impact our thinking and our relationships. As it says in Ephesians 5:18, "Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit." We want to offer our whole selves to the Lord, including our minds operating at full capacity.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Are mind-altering substances impacting your life in unhelpful ways? Are you willing to surrender your whole life to the Lord's guidance in this matter? Do you know someone who is struggling with some sort of addiction? Have you prayed for that person recently?

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, when we read Genesis 19, it's easy for us to focus on the unholy folly of Lot and his daughters. Yet help us to use their sad situation as an opportunity for honest self-examination. Are we letting mind-altering substances impact our life negatively? Are you wanting to show us things about our lives that we may be in denial about?

Gracious God, I also want to take time to pray for people in my life who are struggling with alcohol and similar addictions. I bring them before you now, by name . . .

May we be filled with your Spirit at all times, Lord. Let nothing get in the way of our complete surrender to you. Amen.