Blessed to Be a Blessing: An Example

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Blessed to Be a Blessing: An Example

Please listen to me," Laban replied. "I have become wealthy, for the LORD has blessed me because of you."

Genesis 30:27

God called Abraham, not only to bless him and his family, but also so that all families of the earth might be blessed through him (Gen 12:3). That same promise was reiterated to Jacob (Gen 28:14).

Genesis 30 provides a vivid, tangible illustration of what it means to be a channel of blessing to others. Before Jacob came to live with and work for him, Laban had little in the way of material goods. But through his connection with Jacob, he became a wealthy man.

Most of us work, not for ourselves, but for others. Our faithfulness in the workplace will often lead to the blessing of our boss and our company. As this happens, we hope to reflect God's own character, so that our colleagues and superiors might honor him. As Jesus said, "Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father" (Matt 5:16).

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Can you think of situations in which people were blessed by God through you? Are you working in such a way that you are a channel of God's blessing to others?

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, you have placed most of us in situations where we work for others. Help us, we pray, to be faithful to you in our workplaces, so that we might be a channel of your blessing to our colleagues, our supervisors, and our companies. May we in all things seek to honor you, so that people might recognize and glorify you because of us . . . even in our workplaces. Amen.