Building Altars

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Building Altars

"After that, Abram traveled south and set up camp in the hill country, with Bethel to the west and Ai to the east. There he built another altar and dedicated it to the LORD, and he worshiped the LORD."

Genesis 12:8

As Abram went about in the land God had promised to him, he built altars, pausing to recognize God and worship him (literally, "call upon his name"). In a sense, Abram was staking out his territory with acts of worship.

Are there ways we can imitate Abram? I wouldn't suggest that you build literal altars all around your office, or put crosses on the bulletin boards in the lunchroom, or anything like that. But perhaps there are ways to stake out your world with reminders of God's presence, your own "altars." Perhaps you could put a photo on your desk of a sacred place in your life. Or maybe you could resolve to pray silently for a colleague every time you walk past her door. Or perhaps you might put a note in your calendar that encourages you to stop for a moment of prayer.

QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: Take time to think and pray about how you might mark the spaces of your life with reminders of God's presence. What would help you to pause during your day to offer yourself in worship?

Note: If you have some ideas about how you might do this, or if you have "altars" in your life, and if you'd like to share these with others, drop me an email (see the link below). I'll collect the ideas and share them.

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, I'm impressed by Abram's setting up altars to you as he made his way around the land of promise. His example makes me wonder how I might do something like this in my life. What might I do, Lord, that would remind me of your presence in my daily life? What could I do in my place of work that would honor you and be respectful of my work environment? What would help me to offer a word of silent prayer during a busy day? Help me to be creative in my effort to acknowledge you as Lord of every part of my life. Amen.