Count Your Blessings

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Count Your Blessings

Abraham was now a very old man, and the LORD had blessed him in every way.

Genesis 24:1

Indeed, the Lord had blessed Abraham in every way: leading him to the land of promise, giving him a son even in his old age, protecting him from the implications of his unbelief, confirming his presence time and again. Of course that's not to say Abraham's life was easy. We can only imagine the hardships he experienced as he obeyed the Lord. And we know from the narrative of Genesis some of Abraham's struggles with fear, even as we marvel at victories through faith. God blessed Abraham abundantly, yet his life was still hard in many ways.

So it is with us. God gives us so much, but without keeping us away from all struggles and suffering. Sometimes, when life is hard, we have a difficult time seeing God's goodness to us. Yet if we can get some moments of rest, a time of retreat and reflection, then we can see just how richly God has blessed us.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: My grandmother used to say to me: "Count your blessings." When is the last time you counted your blessings? Do you need to find some time today to step back from your busy pace and pay attention to God's goodness to you?

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, even as you blessed Abraham in every way, so you have blessed me beyond measure, beyond anything I deserve. Your goodness astounds me . . . when I remember it. As you know, Lord, all too often I run through life at such a pace that I forget all you have done for me. Thanksgiving can be limited to a one-day holiday rather than a daily reality. Forgive me, Lord, for my lack of perspective and for my ingratitude. Help me, even this day, to count my blessings and to give credit where credit is due . . . to you! Thank you, gracious God, for blessing me in every way. Amen.