Created In God’s Image

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Created In God’s Image

"So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

Genesis 1:27

For centuries, theologians have debated the precise nuances of our being in God's image. Does it suggest our intellect? Our will? Our spiritual capacity? Our life in community? We may never know this side of heaven exactly what the image of God signifies. But the main point is clear: God created us to be like God. We aren't "little gods," as some pop spirituality contends. Yet we are similar to God in crucial ways. By God's design, we reflect his own mysterious, wondrous nature.

Have you ever thought of yourself as being in the image of God? How might this thought impact the way you live today?

PRAYER: Dear God, how honored we are to be created in your image. In this we are set apart from the rest of creation. Thank you. Though we may never know exactly what this means, we do understand the incredible blessing and calling associated with being made in your image. You have made us to be like you from the beginning. We live life to the fullest, whether at work or at rest, whether in the world or at home, when we imitate you. Help us to live this day so that your image may be visible through us. Amen.