Despising His Birthright

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Despising His Birthright

Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and lentil stew. Esau ate the meal, then got up and left. He showed contempt for his rights as the firstborn.

Genesis 25:34

Though Esau and Jacob were twins, Esau was born first, and therefore received the "birthright" of the firstborn son. Someday, when his father's inheritance was divided among his children, Esau would receive a double portion.

But in a moment of hunger, Esau sold his birthright to his brother for a bowl of soup. His impetuousness and impatience cost him dearly, and revealed his inner priorities. As the King James Version reads, "Esau despised his birthright."

I wonder if I sometimes do likewise, not with my legal rights as a son of David and Martha, but with my "new-birthright" as a son of God. I think, for example, of times when I choose to watch some mindless drivel on TV rather than spend some quiet time in fellowship with my Heavenly Father. Then there are the times I quench the Spirit through my sin, losing touch with the promise of my heavenly inheritance. At other times I live as if I must earn God's favor, forgetting his amazing grace.

Today, by God's help, I want to live fully as a blessed, beloved child of God, delighting in and embracing my "new-birthright."

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Have you ever "despised" your "new-birthright" as a child of God? What might you do today to live more fully as God's beloved, forgiven, blessed child?

PRAYER:  Heavenly Father, in Esau I see myself. How often have I "despised my birthright" by failing to value that which you have given me as your child? More times than I can count, I'm quite sure.

Forgive me, dear Father, for such folly. Forgive me for my poor priorities. Forgive me for dishonoring you as my Heavenly Father.

Thank you for your incredible patience and grace in my life. Thank you for not withdrawing my birthright and giving it to another. Help me, Father, to live each day, including today, as your child. May I walk in your forgiveness. May I live by the power of your Spirit. May I honor you in all I do and say today. Amen.