Doing The Right Thing

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Doing The Right Thing

"When Abram heard that his nephew Lot had been captured, he mobilized the 318 trained men who had been born into his household. Then he pursued Kedorlaomer’s army until he caught up with them at Dan."

Genesis 14:14

In Genesis 13, conflict between Abram's herdsmen and the herdsmen of his nephew Lot led to a generous compromise on Abram's part: he let Lot choose the best land for himself, while Abram took what was left. Then, in Genesis 14, Lot is captured when his part of the land is invaded by enemy kings.

It's easy to imagine how Abram might have felt when he heard of Lot's capture: concerned for his nephew, scornful that he didn't elude capture, perhaps even angry at the inconvenience this would be for Abram himself. Honor demanded that he pursue Lot and try to set him free, even at considerable cost and personal risk. Abram did what was right, even though he might have been tempted to do otherwise. God rewarded him handily, protecting Abram and helping him to be victorious.

Have you ever experienced a situation similar to that of Abram, when doing the right thing was costly or dangerous, and something you would have loved to avoid? What did you do? Why?

QUESTION FOR REFLECTION: Is God asking you to do something today because it's right, even though it's inconvenient, perhaps even risky?

PRAYER:  Gracious God, it's easy for me to read this story quickly without thinking about Abram's experience. Yet when I pause and consider, I realize how hard it might have been for him to do the right thing. But Abram did what he knew to be right, even at considerable cost and risk.

O Lord, you know how hard it is for me to do this sort of thing. Though I'm not chasing after my captured nephew, I often need to do things that are uncomfortable, time-consuming, and inconvenient. How hard I can try to rationalize a way out of doing what I know to be right! Help me in these times, dear Lord, to do the right thing, and to trust you with the results. Even this very day, at work or at home, may I be less concerned about my own comfort and convenience, and more concerned about others, and about doing that which is right in your eyes. Amen.