A Dysfunctional Family

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Dysfunctional Family

But Leah angrily replied, "Wasn't it enough that you stole my husband? Now will you steal my son's mandrakes, too?" Rachel answered, "I will let Jacob sleep with you tonight if you give me some of the mandrakes."

Genesis 30:15

Jacob's family was in a mess. First, one of his wives pleads with him to become pregnant, and he becomes furious with her. Then she offers her servant to Jacob as another wife who might bear children for him. Then Jacob's other wife does the same, no doubt because she was in competition with the first wife, who happened to be her sister. The sisters got into an argument over some mandrake roots (which were believed to promote fertility). The fight was settled when Rachel allowed Leah to sleep with Jacob, her own husband! Talk about a dysfunctional family!

Yet God used this family for his purposes. This encourages us when we recognize that our own families aren't perfect . . . as if any were. Though we should seek God's healing for our families and health in all relationships, God graciously chooses to use us even in our brokenness and dysfunctionality.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How is God at work in your family? Can you see ways he is bring soundness to your family system? How does God want to use your family for his glory?

PRAYER:  Gracious God, though you created us for unfettered intimacy, we have messed everything up because of our sin. Even our families, supposed to be a place of intimacy and fruitfulness, can become a greenhouse for the weeds of dysfunction.

Help our families, dear Lord, to be whole. By your Spirit, point out that which needs to be confessed, forgiven, and healed. Help us to speak the truth in love even with our relatives. Grant the peace that you alone can give.

Use our families, dear Lord, for your purposes. Help us to see our families as more than just a context for our own blessing. May our families become a blessing to others, a channel of your grace to our neighbors. Amen.