Enough “Oil” for the Long Haul?

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Enough “Oil” for the Long Haul?

“The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps, but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil.”

Matthew 25:3-4

In this parable, ten women use oil lamps to welcome a bridegroom and lead him in a celebrative procession. But only five of the women bring enough oil so that, when the bridegroom is delayed, their lamps continue to burn. The foolish women had good intentions, but didn’t have enough oil for the long haul.

During my tenure as pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church, I knew people like the ten women in Jesus’ parable. They had the best intentions to live for the Lord. But while some of these folks built into their lives that which would equip them for the long haul of discipleship, others ran out of “oil.” When life became difficult, their faith faltered. Or they became so wrapped up in worldly things that they failed to grow as disciples. They were unprepared for living a whole, long life in service to the King of kings.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Do you have enough “oil” for the long haul? What are you doing to strengthen your faith and to grow in your relationship with God?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I want to have enough “oil” in my lamp for a long life of service to you. I don’t want to be like the foolish women who intended to welcome the bridegroom, but who hadn’t prepared adequately to fulfill their intentions. Please give me wisdom, Lord, to know what I should do to keep filling my life with the “oil” of discipleship. And then, help me do that which will help me grow in you throughout my life. Don’t let me run out of “oil,” dear Lord! May I always be ready to go for you. Amen.