Facedown Before the Lord

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Facedown Before the Lord

Just as a rainbow lights up a cloud on a rainy day, so its brightness shone all around. This was how the form of the LORD’s glory appeared. When I saw it, I fell on my face. I heard the sound of someone speaking. (CEB)

Ezekiel 1:28

The first chapter of Ezekiel describes his vision of God. It begins with flaming angels and mysterious wheels. Above the angels is a glittering dome, upon which there is a brilliant blue throne. Seated above the throne is a human-like form that appears to be gleaming, flaming amber. The brightness of the human form glows “just like a rainbow lights up a cloud on a rainy day” (1:28).

What was this glowing, brilliant, human-like being? Ezekiel explains, “This was how the form of the LORD’s glory appeared” (1:28). God had chosen to reveal his glory to Ezekiel in this bizarre, brilliant, other-worldly image.

And how did Ezekiel respond to his vision of God’s glory? He writes, “When I saw it, I fell on my face” (1:28). Ezekiel is not saying that he fainted or was so shocked that he fell over. Rather, in his culture, falling on one’s face was the ultimate sign of reverence and respect. It was a powerful symbol of humility and submission.

I wonder how our lives would be different if we began to grasp the majesty and holiness of God. I wonder how our churches would be different if, even for a moment, we glimpsed the glory of God as did Ezekiel. Not only might we fall on our faces before the Lord, but  we might alsobe empowered afresh to serve him in every facet of our lives.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Have you ever fallen on your face before God (or something like this)? Have you ever been so overwhelmed by his glory that you could do nothing more than offer your whole self to God? Do you yearn to see more of God’s glory? Have you asked the Lord for this gift?

PRAYER: Almighty God, my words cannot begin to respond to your glory. They seem so shallow and insufficient. Nevertheless, as I consider your glory today:

I give all that I am to you, for your purposes and glory.

I offer my dreams and hopes.

I commit to you the full use of my talents and energies.

I promise to glorify you, not just in worship services, but in a life of service.

Let all that I am be for your glory. Hallelujah! Amen.

P.S. from Mark: The Christian season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, February 22. If you’d like to know more about the special season of the year that we are about to enter, you might visit the following link on my blog: Resources for Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.