Fear and Truthfulness

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Fear and Truthfulness

So they sent this message to Joseph: "Before your father died, he instructed us to say to you: 'Please forgive your brothers for the great wrong they did to you—for their sin in treating you so cruelly.' So we, the servants of the God of your father, beg you to forgive our sin."

Genesis 50:16-17

After Jacob died, Joseph's brothers became afraid that Joseph would exact revenge on them for how they had mistreated him when he was a boy. Their only protection, they reasoned, had been Joseph's respect for their father. Now they were defenseless.

Their fear lead them to beg Joseph for forgiveness. Yet it may have also moved them to fabricate a story about their father. In truth, we have no reason to believe that Jacob ever passed on a request to Joseph to forgive his brothers. This would only have happened if the brothers had told Jacob what they had done to Joseph — a most unlikely possibility. So, out of fear, they told a lie about their father's wishes. In all likelihood, it's a lie Joseph saw through because of its implausibility. Surely if Jacob had weighed in on his desire for Joseph to forgive, he would have told Joseph himself.

Fear, one of the strongest of all emotions, has the power to lead us to do things we know to be wrong. When we're caught doing something wrong at work, it's tempting to make up a story to excuse our error. Even simple lies are commonplace: "I was late because traffic was bad" (when it wasn't).  Or "I couldn't get here on time because I was on an urgent phone call" (when I wasn't).

The more we learn to trust God with all things, the more we put our lives in his strong hands, the more we will be set free from fear. Oh, there will be times when we feel afraid. But in these moments we'll turn to the Lord first, and then, with his help, do the right thing. Fear will not motivate us to compromise the truth.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Have you ever been dishonest because of fear? When you feel afraid, what does instinct lead you to do? What helps you to trust God?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I can certainly understand why Joseph's brothers told a lie. There have been many times in my life when fear has tempted me to lie. And, as you know, Lord, sometimes I have given in to that temptation.

But you have called me to be a person of truth. I honor, indeed, I worship you through my honesty. So help me, dear Lord, when I am afraid. Draw my heart to yours, so that I might have confidence in you. Help me to speak and to do what is true, knowing that my life is in your hands, and that you work all things together for good.

All praise and honor be to you, God of truth, God in whom I trust. Amen.