Food for Five Thousand

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Food for Five Thousand

About 5,000 men were fed that day, in addition to all the women and children!

Matthew 14:21

In Jesus' feeding of the 5,000, we glimpse his compassion for people. But his feeding miracles reveal more than this. They also connect Jesus with God's work and promises in the Old Testament. Even as God fed the children of Israel with manna, so Jesus feeds the multitudes. Moreover, God was pictured in Isaiah as the one who feeds his flock like a shepherd (Isa. 40:11). When he comes to reign fully over Israel, he will make a feast for all peoples (Isa. 25:6). So, in feeding the people, Jesus played the very role of God in the kingdom drama.

For centuries, Christians have rightly understood that our role as disciples of Jesus is to imitate and expand the work of our master. When we feed the hungry, we are not simply acting out of compassion but are extending and demonstrating the kingdom of God. Thus, each and every Christian should be involved in some aspect of feeding the hungry, whether through our personal actions or our giving. 

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How have you participated in the mission of Jesus by feeding the hungry? Why have you done this? What difference does it make to see this in light of the kingdom of God?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, how I wish I could have been there when you multiplied the loaves and fishes. What a sight that must have been! 

Thank you for your compassion for the hungry. Thank you for demonstrating the presence of the kingdom through your mighty works. 

O Lord, in a world filled with millions of starving people, may your disciples continue and expand your work of feeding the hungry. Give us generous hearts to support ministries that seek to care for hurting people throughout the world. Amen

A P.S. from Mark  

There are many different ways to get involved with feeding the hungry. Your local church probably has opportunities for your involvement. If you want to make a financial gift to support this effort worldwide, I'd recommend two outstanding Christian organizations: Bread for the World and World Vision.