A Fresh Start

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Fresh Start

"Then God blessed Noah and his sons and told them, 'Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth.' "

Genesis 9:1

The language of Genesis 9:1 is almost exactly the same as that of Genesis 1:28 ("Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth . . . ."). After God's judgment of the earth through the flood, he offers Noah and his family a fresh start. They have the opportunity and responsibility to do what the first humans were supposed to do.

What we see in this story happens time and again in our own lives. Our failure to live rightly often leads to dire consequences. It can seem as if all is lost. But then God, in his grace, brings healing, hope, and a fresh start. We begin anew to live in a way that pleases the Lord and brings blessing to our lives.

Have you ever experienced the grace of a fresh start in your life? Have you thanked God recently for this work of grace? Where do you need a fresh start today?

PRAYER:  Thank you, gracious God, for the gift of a fresh start. When we have failed, you have allowed us to start again, in our families, our professional lives, our friendships, and our service to you. How we praise you for your grace!

Lord, as you look upon our lives, you see where we need a fresh start today. So do your renewing, cleansing, and healing work in us. May we taste today the bread of the future. Amen.