Getting Help, Part 2

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Getting Help, Part 2

“This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. “You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.

Exodus 18:17-18

In yesterday’s passage from Exodus, we saw how Moses needed to get help from two of his key supporters. I suggested that God was teaching Moses to be a leader who depended on others, someone who would get the help he needed to succeed. Today’s passage underscores that lesson. This time, God uses Moses’ father-in-law to teach him about delegation.

Moses’ father-in-law, a Midianite named Jethro, had heard of his son-in-law’s amazing accomplishments. He came to visit Moses in the wilderness, bringing along Moses’ wife and two sons, who had not accompanied Moses on his trip back to Egypt. Moses filled in Jethro on all that had happened, and how God had “rescued his people from all their troubles” (18:8). Jethro joined Moses in offering praise to the Lord.

The next day, Moses sat in his place of authority as the Israelites came to him with their disputes. He spent the whole day listening to people’s complaints and trying to resolve them. Apparently, this happened regularly (18:15-16). Jethro was concerned: “You’re going to wear yourself out . . . This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.” So Jethro suggested that Moses become more of a teacher for Israel than the judge of petty disputes. He urged Moses to appoint capable people who could take from him the burden of solving the day-to-day problems of the Israelites. “They will help you carry the load, making the task easier for you,” Jethro explained (18:22).

Moses followed his father-in-law’s advice, appointing people to serve as judges for the people. Moses continued to be like the Supreme Court, where major cases were settled. But he was able to get the help he needed, just as Jethro had suggested. Thus Moses could focus on what mattered most, doing as a leader that for which he was uniquely suited. He was preserved from exhaustion, and the people no doubt received prompt assistance with their troubles. It was a win-win situation for all parties.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Are you able to get the help you need from other people? Do you ask for help? If you’re in a position of authority, do you delegate to others certain tasks so you can focus on what’s crucial for you?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful story from Exodus 18. It reminds me of how I need to be faithful in delegating to others certain tasks so I can focus on what is most important. In my work, help me to be an effective delegator.

Thank you, Lord, for those who handle so very well the tasks I give to them. You have given me such fine colleagues! How grateful I am for them.

Thank you also, Lord, for the “Jethros” in my life, for those who care for me and teach me how to be a better leader . . . and a better person. Help me to listen well to them. Preserve me from defensiveness. Give me the humility to receive wise counsel with gratitude and an open heart. Amen.