Giving to God Our Best

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Giving to God Our Best

“Here is a list of sacred offerings you may accept from them: gold, silver, and bronze;”

Exodus 25:3

Yesterday we focused on how God expected the Israelites to give in support of the building and decoration of the Tabernacle. He did not compel them to contribute, but rather invited giving from those whose hearts were moved.

No doubt the Lord anticipated a mighty movement in the hearts of the Israelites, because the list of sacred offerings was an impressive one. It included items that we know to be valuable even today: gold, silver, onyz, and other precious stones (25:3, 7). But, in the ancient world, colored threads and yarns were pricey because of the high cost of dyes. The Lord intended his dwelling place to be made of the finest materials. This meant, of course, that the people would not only have to give freely, but also generously. The Lord wanted their very best.

And so it is with us, not just in our financial support of kingdom ministry, but also in our giving of ourselves. Most of us live such busy lives, with so many commitments and demands, that it’s tempting for us to give God less than our best. We show up for Sunday worship services irregularly. We pitch in at church, but only if we have extra time. We reach out with Christ’s love to our colleagues at work, but not as a high priority. We try to spend time with God each day, but this time is often something other than our prime time.

When we give God our best, however, not only does his kingdom flourish, but also we have the joy of knowing that our lives have ultimate meaning. Moreover, we know that God is pleased by our active and costly commitment to him.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Do you give God your best? If so, when and how? If not, why not? What might encourage you to give your best to the Lord?

PRAYER: Gracious God, there are times when I do give my best to you. When I consider how much you have given to me, most of all in Jesus Christ, what else could I do?

Well, there is plenty of “else” in my life, I must confess. You know how easy it is for me to give you less than what you deserve. I can skate by, presuming upon your grace and mercy. Forgive me, Lord, when I cheat you.

By your Spirit, renew my desire to give you my very best. May you and your service be my top priority each day. Teach me, Lord, how I can offer you my best at work, in my family, at church, in my neighborhood, and in my alone time with you. Amen.