Go to Jesus

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Go to Jesus

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to Him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me.”

Luke 10:40

Martha has guts. I have to hand it to her. She does not mess around. She knows what needs to get done, and she gets to work. I don’t know about you, but most days I’m a lot like Martha. Who am I kidding? I am like Martha every day. I am distracted by an inner voice that is trying to simultaneously keep track of what needs to get done, what is actually getting done, and what I would love to do for myself when the “needs to get done” list is complete. In my effort to get things done, I have lost track of my coffee, put my keys in the refrigerator, and forgotten important phone calls.

Life can be rather mundane. Whether you are employed outside of the home, retired, or somewhere in between, it’s easy to feel invisible—to believe what you are doing and who you are is going unnoticed. When this happens to me, I have the tendency to ask my loved ones to pay attention to all the great things I’m doing that are not being appreciated.

Martha, however, takes it a step further. Martha goes to Jesus. She has the nerve, audacity, and the confidence to go to Jesus and essentially ask him, “Don’t you care? Don’t you see what I am trying to do here? Don’t you see me?”

Martha goes to Jesus. She goes to her teacher and her friend and she asks for, almost demands, help and attention. She goes to Jesus.


What kind of familiarity and trust is needed for you to feel free to do what Martha did with Jesus? In what ways do you feel invisible or unappreciated?


Jesus, do you care about me? Do you see me? Jesus, please let me know I am not alone and invisible. Amen.