God of the Possible

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
God of the Possible

Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible."

Matthew 19:26

When Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven, his disciples were understandably concerned. Was Jesus implying that rich people could not live in God's kingdom?

No, that was not his point, though he was aware of how much our love for possessions can keep us from full surrender to God. But Jesus knew of a power greater than the lure of riches. The power of God could do the impossible, helping even a rich person to come under God's authority. The same God who changed the hearts of tax collectors and sinners could transform the values of one who loved riches more than anything else. For the God of the possible, nothing was impossible.

God is still in the possibility business today. You may be facing situations in your life that feel overwhelming. Your work situation may be frustrating. Your marriage may be crumbling. Your children may be rebelling. Yet God is not daunted by the challenges of your life. He can do what to us seems to be impossible.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What are the biggest challenges you face today? What in your life seems overly difficult, even impossible? Are you actively offering this to the Lord? Have you asked others to pray with you? Are you looking to see what God is already doing?

PRAYER: Gracious God, were it not for your mercy, I would never have entered your kingdom. It's not that I'm a rich person. But I do want to hold tight to the possessions I have. The fact that I can offer them to you as I offer my whole self to you is evidence of your amazing grace at work in me.

Lord, you know how I can get overwhelmed when problems are too big for me. I love to be in control, or at least to think I am. So when I come upon something that seems to be impossible, I can panic. Help me, dear Lord, to lean into you at these times, to feel your strength, to seek your wisdom. Do in my life even that which seems impossible. And help me to trust you more in all times, knowing that all things are possible for you. Amen.