God Responds to Sarah’s Laughter

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
God Responds to Sarah’s Laughter

"Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son."

Genesis 18:14

Earlier in Genesis 18, the Lord revealed to Sarah that she would bear a son even in her old age. But she knew that women of her age never had children, so she laughed to herself in disbelief.

God responded by asking Abraham about Sarah's laughter. And when Sarah denied that she had laughed because she was afraid, God forced her to confront the truth of her actions. Yet he did not punish her or retract his promise. God's grace was great enough, not only to do the impossible for Sarah, but also to accept her human limitations and forgive her unbelief.

What an encouragement this is for those of us who struggle to believe! We don't have to pretend before the Lord. In fact, he won't let us. Rather, he draws near to us so that we might grow in our relationship with him, a relationship based on truth.


Are you afraid of letting God see who you really are? Do you try to hide your doubts from the Lord, fearing his response? How does the example of God's response to Sarah impact you?


O Lord, I know the right answer. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Of course not! But you know me, Lord, and therefore you know how often I feel and act as if many things are too hard for you. When I face challenges too big for me to handle, I can be swallowed up by fear. And when I hear the promises of your Word, I may not laugh, but I easily fail to claim them for myself. Forgive me, Lord, for my unbelief.

Thank you for your gracious response to Sarah. Though you made sure she owned up to what she had done, you didn't rebuke or punish her. Rather, you continued to be gracious to her, maintaining your promise in spite of her doubting laughter. Your response to Sarah gives me the confidence to be honest with you about who I really am, doubts and all. What a privilege to open my heart freely and fully to you. Thank you! Amen.