The God Who Works

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The God Who Works

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

Genesis 1:1

The Bible begins, appropriately enough, by telling us something about God. It's not a description of God's nature or a hymn to God's glory. Rather, the first thing Scripture reveals about God is his activity: God created the heavens and the earth. Where once there was nothing, now there is something. Indeed, now there is everything. Scripture starts with a bang, a big bang.

To use more general language, the first thing we learn about God is that he worked. He made something. He exercised his creative, visionary, ordering power. Work isn't something added on to the biblical story. It comes right at the start. In the beginning, God worked.

FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Where do you exercise creativity in your life? How could you be creative in your work today?

PRAYER: Thank You, dear Lord, for graciously revealing yourself to us in Scripture. The first thing you show us about yourself is that you are the God who created all things. You are a God who worked, and who is working still. May you work in my life today and through me in my part of your world. Help me to see all of my work this day as an imitation of your creativity. Amen.