God’s Gardeners

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
God’s Gardeners

"The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it."

Genesis 2:15

What an amazing act of delegation! God made a perfect, beautiful world, and then turned it over to the man. Here's the beginning of human management over God's creation, or to use more theological language, human stewardship.

Even though human beings will soon make a mess of what God had intended, he did not choose to remove us from our role as his "gardeners." We are still responsible for God's creation. Our calling is to protect it and use it well for God's glory.

What has God entrusted to you? How can you manage it well for his purposes?

PRAYER: God our Creator, you have given us a prized position in this world. We are to tend and watch over your garden. Thank you for this honor.

Help us, Gracious God, to manage responsibly what you have entrusted to us. Give us wisdom to know how best to guard and use the parts of this world over which you have given us authority: our workplaces, our families, our homes, our finances, our churches. May we be faithful stewards in all things, for your glory. Amen.