Best of Daily Reflections: God’s Great Faithfulness

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Best of Daily Reflections: God’s Great Faithfulness

True, some of them were unfaithful; but just because they were unfaithful, does that mean God will be unfaithful?

Romans 3:3

So far in Romans, Paul has argued that all people fall short of God’s standards, both Jews and Gentiles. In light of this truth, we might wonder if there is any advantage in being Jewish? Yes, indeed. The Jews were entrusted with God’s revelation.

But not all Jews were faithful in receiving, believing, living, and passing on this revelation. Does this somehow nullify God’s saving work? Is God stymied because of Jewish unfaithfulness? “Just because they were unfaithful, does that mean God will be unfaithful?” (v. 3). More literally, this question reads, “Just because they were unfaithful, does this unfaithfulness nullify the faithfulness of God?” No. God’s faithfulness is not dependent on human faithfulness. God’s covenant promises remain even when his covenant partners fall short.

What has been true in the relationship between God and the Jews is also true in our relationship with God. When we respond to his grace by putting our trust in Christ, we enter into an intimate, covenant relationship with God. Though our response should be a life of faithful service to God in the world, we slip up, living for ourselves rather than for our Lord. Yet God does not abandon us. His faithfulness continues even when ours fails.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: When you think of the faithfulness of God, what images or experiences come to mind? How have you experienced God’s faithfulness even when you have been unfaithful?

PRAYER: Gracious God, how grateful I am for your faithfulness. You are faithful, Lord, even when I am not. For centuries your faithfulness has not been nullified by the failure of your people. I have experienced this grace so many times. Thank you, Lord, for not abandoning me when I have neglected you. Thank you for turning my despair into hope. Thank you for always being there for me. O Lord, how great is your faithfulness! Amen.