God’s Judgment

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
God’s Judgment

"Seven days from now I will make the rains pour down on the earth. And it will rain for forty days and forty nights, until I have wiped from the earth all the living things I have created."

Genesis 7:4

The story of the flood can seem strange to us for many reasons. Partly, we have a hard time comprehending the judgment of God. Knowing God through Jesus Christ, trusting in his grace, we can neglect God's justice, his judgment upon sin. Genesis 7 reminds us just how much God hates sin. (See also Matt 5:21-48.)

Yet in the midst of this story we see a ray of God's grace shining through, as he delivers Noah and his family. Someday that same grace will be revealed in greater fullness on the cross.

How do you respond to the idea of a just and judging God? Do you sometimes minimize the evil of sin?

PRAYER:  Dear God, today I am reminded how much you hate sin, including mine. Forgive me for my tendency to minimize and rationalize sin. Help me to see as you see, to feel as you feel. May I take sin seriously, even as you do.

Thank you, Lord, for the salvation you alone provide. Even as you once saved Noah and his kin through the ark, so you have saved us through the cross of Christ. All praise be to you, just and merciful God. Amen.