God’s Resurrection Power for Us!

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
God’s Resurrection Power for Us!

I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 1:19

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

With these words, Christians throughout the world celebrate the resurrection of Christ on Easter morning. We confess that Christ is risen, not only in the hearts of the faithful, and not merely as some nice religious image, but truly and physically. On Easter morning, the tomb of Jesus was empty because Jesus had risen from the dead. The bondage of death was broken, both for him and for us, by the power of his resurrection.

We can only begin to understand the divine power that raised Jesus from the dead. The more we think of it, the more we are astounded. Only God, who created all things in the first place, has the power to give life to one who had died.

The New Testament letter known as Ephesians adds to our astonishment. The "mighty power that raised Christ from the dead" is in fact "God's power for us who believe him" (vv. 19-20). The Greek phrase translated here as “for us” (eis hemas) could mean “for our sake.” But, most literally, it means “into us” and is probably a stylistic variation of “in us.” This translation is supported in Ephesians 3:20: “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us [en hemin], to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

Just think of it! The same power that shattered Jesus' prison of death sets us free from all that binds us. The very Spirit of God lives in us to empower us for the ministry of the kingdom of God. Resurrection power is for us, in us, and at work through us.

Thus we live as Easter Christians, not simply with gratitude for our salvation, and not merely with hope for the future. We live as God's ministers, filled with his resurrection power, extending his kingdom into every facet of our lives. We are Easter people at home and at church, at work and at play, in our families and among our friends, in our neighborhoods and throughout the world.

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How have you experienced the power of God at work in your life? Where do you need God’s power today? tomorrow? 

PRAYER: Gracious God, how we praise you for your power made known in the resurrection. Death could not defeat you. Rather, the death of Jesus set the stage for an extraordinary display of your power. Christ is risen! You have won the battle. Alleluia!

Yet the power of the resurrection is not merely something we celebrate joyfully, but also something we can experience daily. Your power is for us, helping us, guiding us, setting us free. Your power is in us, healing us, renewing us, and gifting us for ministry, so that we might serve you in the church and in the world.

Even as we celebrate the power of your resurrection on this Easter Sunday, may we live by that power today and each day of our lives. And may your church be renewed by this power, so that we might live each day as a demonstration of your resurrection.

To you be all the glory. Alleluia!  Amen.


Holy Week

On Sunday morning, we wave our palms and sing Hosanna in the Highest. It is not hard to get caught up in the celebration and wonder if the stones are indeed crying out. Yet in the midst of this great joy there is a chilling stillness.

Thus begins the journey to the cross. A week of little deaths, that’s what Holy Week is for us.Celebration and mourning take turns to stir deep places.

During Holy Week at The High Calling, we invite you to focus solely on the story of our faith. May your eyes be opened to the truth: we cannot follow Christ and remain unchanged.

Image above courtesy of Laity Lodge, one of our sister programs in The H. E. Butt Family Foundation