The Good News of Jesus

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The Good News of Jesus

From then on Jesus began to preach, "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near."

Matthew 4:17

When we think of the good news of Jesus, we're apt to consider the good news about him: that he died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead, thus defeating sin and death and offering us eternal life. But, curiously enough, this was not the primary good news that Jesus preached. Like John the Baptist before him, Jesus proclaimed the approach of the kingdom of heaven and called people to respond by turning away from sin and to God. To paraphrase, it's as if Jesus were saying: "God is coming to reign on earth in a new way. So turn away from living for yourself, and put your whole life under the gracious and powerful reign of God."

The good news proclaimed by Jesus continues to be relevant to us today. We are called to live under God's kingdom. We do this by turning from our sins and to Jesus the Savior. Through him we are forgiven and empowered to live with God as our king. More commonly, we Christians speak of living with Jesus as our Lord. That's what it means to be a citizen of God's kingdom.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Are you seeking to live under God's kingdom today? Do you desire for your life to glorify God in all that you do?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, even as you once called people to repent because the kingdom of heaven was near, so that same word echoes in my heart today. I need to turn from my self-centered ways and seek first the kingdom of God. Whether I'm working away at my desk, or interacting with my colleagues, or hanging out with my children, or driving in traffic, my whole life belongs to you and is meant for your glory. So help me, Lord Jesus, to respond to your good news. May I live under your lordship each moment. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done in my life today. Amen.