Healing the Deeper Wounds

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Healing the Deeper Wounds

Jesus reached out and touched him. "I am willing," he said. "Be healed!" And instantly the leprosy disappeared.

Matthew 8:3

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus healed many who were sick. But he did more than restore bodies. He also healed souls and relationships. We see this happening as Jesus healed the man with leprosy in Matthew 8:1-4.

First, Jesus not only healed the man's illness, but also touched him. A person with leprosy was excluded from all human contact, often for many years before dying. This was a matter of health, since leprosy was contagious. But it was also a religious issue, since touching a leper would make one ceremonially unclean. Jesus broke with social and religious convention by touching the leper. We can only imagine how this brought healing to the leper's heart as well as his body.

Second, Jesus instructed the leper to follow the Old Testament law by showing himself to a priest (Lev. 14:1-32). The priest would offer "public testimony" of the man's healing. Thus he would be restored into his community. The relationships broken by his leprosy would be mended.

Jesus continues to heal today through his Spirit and his people. As in his earthly ministry, Jesus heals not just bodies, but also souls, relationships, families, even organizations. The kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus offers us wholeness in all dimensions.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Have you experienced healing through the Holy Spirit? When? What was the result? How can you be an instrument of God's multifaceted healing in your world?

PRAYER: Gracious Lord, though I've never come to you for healing of leprosy, I have sensed your healing power in my life in so many ways. How I thank you and praise you for healing my body, my soul, my emotions, and my relationships. Thank you for touching the deepest parts of me with your gracious love.

May I be an instrument of your healing in this world. Though I don't have the power to heal the sick, I can pray for them and seek your healing. Through my kindness and forgiveness, I can help. Amen.