How to Give Delight to God

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
How to Give Delight to God

He takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or in human might. No, the LORD’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Psalms 147:10-11

Psalm 147 begins with a reminder of how delightful it is for us to praise the Lord. Then, after celebrating God's saving grace and awesome power, this psalm speaks of how we might give delight to God.

The Lord is not pleased by demonstrations of human strength. Indeed, all human might is weak compared with the unlimited strength of God. By implication, we cannot impress God with our efforts and accomplishments. We can, however, give delight to the Lord by fearing him and putting our hope in his unfailing love. We fear God when we bow before his awesome power and holiness, when we are astounded by his greatness. We hope in God's unfailing love when we count on his faithfulness and mercy.

Most of us would easily accept the fact that we can take pleasure in God. Yet it is surprising, perhaps even shocking, to think that God can take pleasure in us. Even as parents delight in their children, so our Heavenly Father delights in us. When we trust him fully, when we revere his greatness, when we place our confidence in his love, God is pleased.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Do you really believe that you can give joy to the Creator of the universe? If you were to believe this, what difference might it make in the way you live today?

PRAYER: O Lord, it is indeed good to praise you. It is delightful and fitting to honor you with my words and deeds.

How amazing that I can give delight to you. It astounds me that I matter that much to you, yet this is the clear testimony of your Word.

Help me, dear Lord, to live in such a way that you are pleased. May I be filled with humble awe before you. May I put my hope in your love at all times, even and especially when life is hard.

By your Spirit, may I live today with an abiding sense of your presence, seeking to give delight to you in all that I do. Amen.

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