But That Isn’t Fair!

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
But That Isn’t Fair!

So the Egyptians worked the people of Israel without mercy.

Exodus 1:13

I wonder how many times parents and children have played out something like the following scenario. A girl wants to go outside and play with her friends. Her mother says she has to clean her room first. She protests, saying, “But that isn’t fair! My friends don’t have to clean their rooms before they have fun.” The mother responds, “Well, honey, the world isn’t fair. Now go clean your room.”

As we read about Egyptian mistreatment of the Israelites, we’re apt to say, “But that isn’t fair!” Because the children of Israel flourished in Egypt, the king of Egypt became worried. So he forced all of the Israelites into slavery. They were treated brutally as they worked long, hard hours. No doubt about it . . . that isn’t fair.

The biblical response to injustice begins like a mother’s to her daughter. Throughout its pages, Scripture recognizes that “the world isn’t fair.” Biblically informed people should never be surprised by the reality of injustice. Yet Scripture does not tell us simply to accept it and “clean our rooms.” Rather, the Bible reveals a just and merciful God who opposes injustice and who will ultimately defeat it completely. Thus, when injustice upsets us, causing us to cry out, “But that isn’t fair,” our hearts are reflecting the heart of God. As God’s people, we have been called to join him in the work of seeking justice in every part of life (Micah 6:8).

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: When has your heart cried out, “But that isn’t fair”? What kinds of injustice in our world stir up your soul? What are you doing to make this world more just?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, you have made us sensitive to unfairness. Whether we are victims of injustice, or whether we witness others being treated poorly, something in us cries out, “But that is not fair!” Moreover, as we are recreated in Christ and sanctified by your Spirit, we become even more incensed by the injustice of this world. Thank you, Lord, for making us this way and for transforming our hearts to be more like yours.

Help me, Lord, to remain sensitive to injustice, to keep my heart open to those who are its victims. With so much injustice in our world, I find it easy to become blasé, even cynical. May your Spirit continue to stir within me, causing me to say, “But that’s not fair!”

And then, Lord, give me wisdom about how I should respond. Surely, Lord, I cannot and should not take on every cause. Yet you have called me to join you in the work of bringing your justice to this world. So help me to see where and how you want to work through me. Amen.